SSMR Gala in Bethel on 8/22


Come to the Cultural Center for the 10th Annual South Sudan Fundraiser celebrating Bethel's Bond with Dr. Jill Seaman's 30 year effort in South Sudan to provide medical services and train health care providers in Sudan.

Doors open at the Cultural Center at 5:30pm. Join us for a tasty African meal,

silent and live auction and a special slide presentation by Dr. Jill Seaman.

Dinner is $20 per adult, 10 for kids 12 and under. $5 for kids 5 and under. Maximum of $50 per immediate family.

There is something for everybody--- art, food, dirt, plants, airline tickets, fire pit, and surprises galore. Come on down for any part of this great evening. Bring your friends. Roads should be good today from the airport past the Cultural Center.

Doors open at 5:30 and we will have kids out the door by 7:30.